Experience turtle migration in a giant board game. Track a hidden turtle using telemetry. See how shell shapes suit different lifestyles and habitats. Design a turtle-friendly housing development. Find out what a loggerhead sea turtle sees as it swims! Recognize that turtles and tortoises have various shell shapes and foot structures that are suited to their habitats. Learn how scientists locate turtles by using radio telemetry equipment that they attach to turtles’ shells.
Turtles and tortoises live in various habitats that are threatened by human activities, such as housing development and road construction. You can help these reptiles survive and migrate safely! By changing our behavior, we can help turtles and tortoises survive and migrate. We can keep turtles and their eggs safe from predators by disposing of garbage properly. You can help keep wild turtles and tortoises safe when you travel by recognizing and avoiding products made from these reptiles. You can be a responsible pet owner.
Turtle Travels was created by the Environmental Exhibit Collaborative.