Frequently Asked Questions

This is a collection of Science Central’s most frequently asked questions.

Additional FAQ sections, pertaining to specific programs, are located on their respective pages.

Science Central’s hours change throughout the year. Find our current hours here.

A typical visit to Science Central takes approximately 2 to 3 hours.

Science Central is a great place for all people of all ages. Everyone can find something interesting. Our Kids Central area is specifically intended for ages 0 to 7. Our demonstrations are designed to engage all ages and our educators will tailor each demo to the age of the audience. For safety purposes, the Giant Slide has a height requirement. Signage on all exhibits has been designed for a wide variety of ages and backgrounds.

We do have some admission discounts.  Find a partial list here.

Tickets can always be purchased at the door. We do encourage visitors to purchase tickets online, though, as it will expedite your entry to Science Central and save you money.

No. All children under 14 must be supervised by an adult at all times.

Yes. Parking is free and offers easy access to our building. Our main lot is accessed from Clinton Street on the south side of our building. Parking is on a first-come basis, with overflow parking available at Lawton Park. Find directions to Science Central here.

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